Occupational therapy with an aquatic twist
Aquatics in mOTion offers OT services in a swimming pool to optimize your child’s developmental trajectory and therapeutic outcomes.
Read about why I love the water here
What We Do
Outpatient occupational therapy sessions that occur in the swimming pool. Aquatic OT can be provided independently or in conjunction with clinic or home-based OT services.
Please fill out "Interest in Aquatic OT" form for more info.
Aquatic Occupational Therapy
Consultation for Childcare Providers
Training for caregivers, family members, teachers, school staff, swim instructors, and others to provide strategies to support neurodivergent children in specific contexts.
Please email Emily for consultation inquiries
Consults available in person in: Louisville, Arvada, Lafayette, Boulder, and Broomfield or via telehealth.
Occupational therapy intervention utilizes the daily tasks and activities that give life meaning to promote health, well-being, and independence in daily life.
Discover more from the American Occupational Therapy Association